Edward Gardner
After completing my MSci in Chemistry and Physics at Durham University, I followed my passion for reading about the latest developments in science and joined the Royal Society of Chemistry as a Publishing Editor on the Physical Chemistry and Nanoscience journals portfolio in October 2018. Since then I have been working on our Materials and Nano journals and am now the Development Editor for Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons. I love learning about interesting research and writing for Chemistry World gives me even more opportunities to do just that!
- Research
Switching protocol doubles carbon capture capacity of supercapacitors
Approach shows promise as way to capture CO2 in a more energy efficient manner
- Research
Real space alternative for magnetic spin-coupling models
Model for magnetic coupling moves past the orbital picture and overcomes its limitations
- Research
Electric fields flick the quantum-tunnelling switch in cold reactions
Reaction kinetics affected by direction of external electric field under cryogenic conditions
- Research
New record efficiency for flexible perovskite solar cells
Porous planar electron transport layer boosts power conversion efficiency in flexible perovskite solar cells to 20.7%
- Research
Photo-rechargeable zinc-ion devices merge solar cell and battery tech
A low cost and stable battery that can recharge itself in sunlight could help make energy more accessible in developing rural areas
- Research
MOFs that remove and reduce hexavalent chromium yield drinkable water
Tests using river water prove system has a high selectivity for Cr(vi), even in the presence of large quantities of competing cations
- Research
Serendipitous experiment on xenon complex reveals insights into rare gas interaction
Experiment and theory combo gives benchmark for predicting non-covalent complexes
- Research
Compact pharmaceutical factory manufactures drugs on demand
Plant with modular design would occupy about half the area of a squash court
- Research
Positron dihalides join exotic group of molecules that combine matter and antimatter
Theoretical evidence that positronic covalent bonds between halide anions would be energetically stable
- Research
Selective graphene membranes could invigorate carbon capture technology
Concept shows promise as a way to sidestep the energy penalties of numerous industrial separations
- Research
Magnets on hand for separating chiral crystals
Enantiomers crystallise individually at opposite magnetic poles, driven by interactions with electron spin