All Editorials articles
With departments and courses facing closures UK chemistry needs a new hero
Harry Kroto’s star status helped to save the subject 20 years ago
Science needs to get its house in order when it comes to energy use and waste
Labs have an outsized environmental footprint but solutions are within reach
Can supercapacitors be the next energy superheroes?
Offering complementary properties to batteries, their time might be round the corner
Humphry Davy’s whole story – warts and all – deserves to be told
Offensive comments about other races and cultures are part of his legacy too
Allotrope or not?
Loose terminology causes disquiet among guardians of the chemical nomenclature
High entropy or just complex?
Several elements mixed in a single crystal phase isn’t necessarily a high entropy material
Crystal prophecies
There’s no guarantee that making a thermodynamically feasible structure will be easy, or even possible
One year on from ChatGPT’s launch does it offer hope or hype for science?
Chatbots could help chemists but their limitations need to be understood
UK researchers need to know academic freedom is safe from political interference
The UK science secretary’s recent statements are causing alarm in the research community
The PFAS problem in everyone’s back yard
Communities around the world will have to get to grips with a new pollution problem that will cost billions to address