All Archaeology articles – Page 4
Bones of contention
Can protein in dinosaur bones survive for millions of years? Rachel Brazil explores the evidence
Dating the age of humans
Physical science is helping archaeologists close in on the real answers behind the mysteries of human evolution, finds Ida Emilie Steinmark
Uncoiling collagen using advanced computers
Two-dimensional mass spectrometry allows rapid analysis of complex samples
Jurassic pigment structure elucidation tickles chemists pink
Unusual boron-based molecule found in ancient algae fossil throws light on natural product evolution
Chemical fingerprints of prehistoric beekeepers discovered
Traces of beeswax found on 8500-year-old pottery fragments provide evidence of early bee domestication
Ancient graphite may push start of life back by 300 million years
Discovery of biologically forged carbon could rewrite textbooks on the earliest organisms
Getting closer to secrets on the seabed
Scientists in Spain are developing a technique to analyse minerals and artefacts underwater
Tomography allows ancient texts to rise from the ashes
Scroll from town destroyed in Vesuvius eruption over 2000 years ago deciphered
Flowing rivers of mercury
Philip Ball investigates claims that the burial chamber of China’s first emperor contains rivers of shimmering mercury
Iron Age chemists ate like kings
Ancient copper was extracted by experts, not armies of slaves
History of King Richard III written in his teeth
Chemical analysis of isotope signatures in monarch’s remains provide insight into his life
Preserving the Mary Rose
Jon Evans explores the chemistry stabilising the Tudor battleship for display
Genome study to pursue Richard III's medical history
Scientists hope sequencing of last Plantagenet king’s genome will reveal more about his appearance and health
The enduring controversy of the Turin Shroud
Far from putting the debate to rest, the dating of the Turin Shroud merely fuelled the controversy, as Richard Corfield discovers
Colouring in the dinosaur book
Chemists are helping palaeontologists discover the rich palette of pigments in fossils, as Emma Stoye discovers
Digitally unrolling historical scrolls
X-ray tomography can unroll and read parchment scrolls that have become stuck together.
Richard III body found under Leicester car park
DNA analysis confirms skeleton is remains of last Plantagenet king
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