All Arts articles – Page 15
Unthinkable: an extraordinary journey through the world’s strangest brains
A book that tells the stories of people who experience reality in extraordinary ways
Hobby chemists fall foul of YouTube's content purge
Platform’s removal of home experiments and synthesis tutorial videos worries hobby chemists
Beyond weird: why everything you thought you knew about quantum physics is different
Philip Ball sets himself the task of explaining quantum mechanics
The art of conservation
The Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles is developing innovative new approaches to art conservation. Fiona Case paid them a visit
Burning planet: the story of fire through time
Andrew C Scott’s book charts the natural history of wildfire and its ability to provide clues to events on Earth
Forgotten women: the scientists
Philippa Matthews reviews a book looking to uncover the lost histories of women whose achievements have been left out of the textbooks
Exhibition: Somewhere in between
Emma Stoye reviews the Wellcome Collection’s exhibition, which promises immersive, science-inspired art installations
Conjuring the universe: the origins of the laws of nature
Peter Atkins’ latest book is an ’elegant love letter’ to the simplicity and beauty of the mathematics that govern our universe
Hydrogel saves precious artwork to reveal hidden ‘Michelangelo’ message
New non-invasive technique safely removes sticky tape without damaging works of art
The many lives of carbon
Dag Olav Hessen leaves no stone - or diamond - unturned in his account of element six
The chemistry that inspired H.G. Wells
How the science fiction author borrowed real science to create unreal worlds
Built: the hidden stories behind our structures
The ‘storey’ of structural engineering, as told by Shard designer Roma Agrawal
Early colour photos reveal photographer's chemical craft
High power analysis unmasks chemicals used to create 19th century images
Seeds of science: why we got it so wrong on GMOs
Katrina Kramer reviews the story of one man’s journey from activist to advocate
Science not silence: voices from the March for Science movement
22 April 2017 remembered through a collection of photos and stories
Graphene: the superstrong, superthin, and superversatile material that will revolutionize the world
A book that asks whether the ‘wonder material’ will live up to expectations
Royal Institution back in the black
Debt-free RI celebrates having turned round its finances after making a surplus for the second year in a row
A lab of one’s own: science and suffrage in the first world war
Exploring the contributions and struggles of female scientists 100 years ago
Enlightenment now: the case for reason, science, humanism and progress
Steven Pinker sets out to prove we’re living longer, healthier, safer, richer, freer, happier and more meaningful lives than ever before