All Diversity articles – Page 11
Action plan launched to tackle gender inequality and bullying in chemistry
Bullying helpline and childcare grants among measures outlined in Royal Society of Chemistry report that reveals why chemistry has an equality problem
There is no one answer to improving diversity
Grassroots initiatives and larger projects are both vital weapons in the battle for equality
Efforts to root out sexual harassment in science gain momentum
Two US funders and a scientific society announce plans to terminate funding and expel researchers found guilty of sexual misconduct
X and Why: The rules of attraction: why gender still matters
Megan McGregor reviews a book that sets out to explain the unescapable role gender has in our lives
A walk on the Pride side
On July 7, the streets of London filled with glitter and rainbows for the Pride in London parade. Chemistry World joined scientists marching for Pride in Stem
Forgotten women: the scientists
Philippa Matthews reviews a book looking to uncover the lost histories of women whose achievements have been left out of the textbooks
Landmark report calls on US universities to take action on sexual harassment
National Academies says harassment should treated at least as seriously as research misconduct
Theoretical chemistry group takes stand on all-male speaker lists
The RFCT in France has taken a radical step to address gender diversity at conferences
Built: the hidden stories behind our structures
The ‘storey’ of structural engineering, as told by Shard designer Roma Agrawal
What the pay gap report really means
The UK pay gap data is an important first step, not the last word
Science not silence: voices from the March for Science movement
22 April 2017 remembered through a collection of photos and stories
A lab of one’s own: science and suffrage in the first world war
Exploring the contributions and struggles of female scientists 100 years ago
Royal Society of Chemistry publishes gender pay gap data
Society has wage gap of 15.7% as women fill more junior and admin positions
More kids draw scientists as women than ever before
Children’s ideas of who can be a scientist appear to have tracked societal changes over the last 50 years
Leaky pipeline for LGBQ university students on science and engineering degrees
US students who identify as LGBQ are 8% less likely than their heterosexual peers to finish Stem courses
#UsToo movement targets sexual harassment in science
US scientific societies rewrite policies to clamp down on sexual harassment
When it comes to diversity, actions speak louder than graphs
There can be such a thing as too much data
Wellcome Trust publishes gender pay gap
Women working at the charity earn 20% less than men on average