Profiles – Page 14
Strictly spectroscopy
Emma Davies chats to the creator of an interactive artwork that lets people get on down with some chemical choreography
Picturing the past with mass spec
Angela Lamb talks to Nina Notman about mastering isotope analysis to reconstruct ancient climates and cultures
Solving iron’s solubility problem
Technology profile: MRC Human Nutrition Research - anaemia supplements with fewer side effects
Chemistry by the tun
Emma Davies talks to the chemists using their science skills to set up stills and brew up beverages
Building a city of knowledge
Fernando Albericio left a comfortable position in Spain to help found Ecuador’s newest university. Michele Catanzaro finds out why
Dana Roth: Reaching out from the library
Caltech’s chemistry librarian chats to Chemistry World about how librarians can support researchers
Liming Dai: Integrating nanochemistry into the macroscopic world
The director of Case4Carbon talks to Chemistry World about advanced carbon nanomaterials
Cupcake chemists
Bakery beginners Ann Gardiner and Kerri Elston talk to Yfke Hager about leaving the lab to create chemistry in the kitchen
Carl Djerassi - chemistry and theatre
Carl Djerassi explains his move from distinguished chemist to ‘intellectual smuggler’
James Crowley: Magicians rings and dumbbells on a molecular scale
James Crowley on making stimuli responsive molecular machines from mechanically interlocked architectures
Thinking outside the blocks
Ellen Kooijman talks to Yfke Hager about research, rocks and building bricks
Freeing a world of fixers
Company profile: Sugru mouldable silicone rubber lets you mend what’s broken and hack stuff better
Wendy Brown: Space dust chemistry
The University of Sussex’s Wendy Brown explains how astrochemical research is done in the lab
Ice cold chemist
Eric Wolff constructs the chemistry of ancient climate from Antarctic ice cores. Nina Notman reports
Stefano Farris: Food packaging chemistry
Stefano Farris discusses how his research could help reduce the amount of plastic used to wrap ham, cheese and pasta
The worldwide chemist
Bea Perks profiles Martyn Poliakoff, the internet’s favourite ‘mad professor’
To detect and defend
Rebecca Hopkins tells Philip Robinson about her life and work as a scientist in the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Aaron Wheeler: Algae-on-a-chip
Aaron Wheeler talks to Harriet Brewerton about bringing the energy and microfluidics communities together