Profiles – Page 8
Getting ideas across
In a diverse industry like chemicals, we need to make sure we’re open to learning from unexpected angles.
Cracking down on corrosion with Hexigone Inhibitors
Intelli-ion technology provides non-toxic, chromium-free protection from corrosion
Unlocking geological time capsules with analytical chemistry
Blavatnik award winner Kirsty Penkman discusses her research developing techniques to date fossils
Meet the winners of the RSC’s Higher Education Technical Excellence award
The technical team at Dublin City University’s School of Chemical Sciences have won for their exceptional services to health and safety and accessibility
Solar-powered water purification
Majico’s photocatalytic water kiosks are increasing access to affordable drinking water in Tanzania
Eliminating sticky situations with Adaptive Surface Technologies
The company’s multi-purpose coating concept can increase the fuel efficiency of ships and reduce the risk of infection in hospitals
Tissue scaffolds from resin inks
4D Medicine’s biodegradable polymer inks can be 3D-printed into useful biomedical applications
Undergraduates in their element
Harnessing the history of tungsten to engage school students with the periodic table
Carbon Cycle’s gypsum purification process cleans up radioactive fertiliser waste
The patented process could prevent environmental damage and provide a new source of gypsum and rare-earth metals
Developing colour-changing technologies
Lauren Bowker and Louise Anderson of The Unseen explain how they’re fusing materials chemistry and art
Structuring a crystallographic database
Matt Lightfoot on navigating a career around the Cambridge Structural Database
Cleaning up misinterpreted forensic evidence
Ruth Morgan is on the case of incorrect court rulings
HexagonFab cracks nanomanufacturing for pocket diagnostics
HexagonFab’s founders say their graphene-based sensors are set to become the lab tests that don’t need a physical lab
Picking the Brain(iac) of Jon Tickle
We sit down with Jon Tickle, Information Architect at Centrica and one of TV’s favourite geeks, to ask him about his journey through science communication, his involvement in Stem outreach and, of course, his time on Brainiac: Science Abuse
Profile: Oxford nanoSystems’ heat transfer coatings
Nanospiked coatings drastically increase heat exchangers’ efficiency and can be applied after manufacturing
Cathleen Crudden: 'I played clarinet for the Pope'
The catalysis maven on hair metal, literature and Big Science
Fighting fake medicines
RxAll’s handheld scanner assesses drug quality in real time via a smartphone
Building a biological biocide
Aqualution Systems produces stable hypochlorous acid, a natural biocide up to 300 times more effective than bleach
Harnessing plants and microbes to tackle environmental pollution
Eucharia Nwaichi is using biochemistry to clean up one of the most polluted places on Earth