All Science communication articles – Page 4
European academy calls for continent-wide effort to combat disinformation on science
Report makes recommendations on how scientists can combat anti-vaccine sentiment and climate change denial and other misinformation
Bots bring chemistry research tools to Twitter
Cheminformatic tool can deliver retrosynthetic analysis
The value of media hype for science
Overexcited news reports engage the public with complex scientific issues
What’s the secret science of conspiracy theories?
Conspiracies can tell us a lot about science and society
Thirty years on new home sought for Kroto’s Nobel-winning samples
Piece of chemistry history at Sussex could form heart of outreach centre
Why do people believe conspiracy theories?
Rachel Brazil looks into the dangerous world of chemical conspiracy theories and asks the experts what we can do about it
Raven the Science Maven’s communication haven
Combining science, music and cultural awareness
A free online guide to master Schlenk lines
Andryj Borys shares his knowledge on air-sensitive chemistry through an open-access handbook and website
Planting the seeds of sustainable science education
Michele Raggio’s non-profit Seedscience supports teachers in developing countries as they grow their own education programmes
Follow the theory to halt Covid-19
Politicians need to show more trust in the scientific method
Using social media for personal branding
Being honest online helped my career reach new heights
Communicating chemistry through music
Partnering musicians with researchers produced some emotional results
Ghanaian biochemistry TV star Marian Addy
Marian Addy was the first female science professor in Ghana, who studied herbal medicine – and was a TV star
Covid-19 poses trust issues for science
The pandemic is proving the importance of public trust in science
Zooming into online vivas
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced academics to adopt a new model with some unexpected advantages
The rise of the virtual chemistry conference
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, online talks and poster sessions are moving to the mainstream