All Working life articles – Page 10
How hobbies can help your science
Indulging in a hobby can bring benefits inside and outside of work
Chemists amid coronavirus: Lourival Possani
A biochemist in Mexico may retire if government funding for research dries up
Chemists amid coronavirus: Liane Rossi
The head of a nanomaterials and catalysis lab at the University of São Paulo says the political situation in Brazil is ‘as bad as the virus’
Chemists amid coronavirus: Lee Cronin
A University of Glasgow chemist finds that it’s no easy task to maintain a research group of about 70 during a pandemic that’s closed your lab
Online events aren’t automatically accessible
With lectures moving online long-term, online accessibility benefits need building on
Community minded
Helen Pain discusses how the RSC is serving its community today, and preparing for tomorrow
Chemists amid coronavirus: Carolina Proaño
An Ecuadorian researcher has converted her lab to run the first Covid-19 tests in the Amazon
Chemists amid coronavirus: Krystle McLaughlin
A young chemistry professor in New York is trying to gain back lost research time and will likely request to add a year to her tenure clock
Zooming into online vivas
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced academics to adopt a new model with some unexpected advantages
Chemists amid coronavirus: Graham Dawson
The ups and downs of reopening a Chinese university and its research labs after prolonged closure
Chemists amid coronavirus: Jose Mascareñas
As Spain begins lifting its lockdown, a key chemist at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia worries about the future
Chemists amid coronavirus: Mélissa Nehme, Lucía Gallego and Joe Woods
Researchers are returning to labs in Switzerland with social distancing measures in place
Chemists amid coronavirus: James Canary
The chair of NYU’s chemistry department says research is ‘completely interrupted’ in his lab and his senior graduate student is stuck in China
How to lead a research team
By building skills to support your lab members, you lay the foundation for success
Chemists amid coronavirus: James Keeler
The head of Cambridge’s chemistry department says its research has been ‘mothballed’, and he worries about lost productivity
Pandemic is a looming disaster for UK universities with 30,000 jobs threatened
Higher education sector faces potential funding black hole of £2.5 billion
Chemists amid coronavirus: Solomon Derese
With a curfew in place across Kenya, one senior lecturer is spending his nights recording online classes
Chemists amid coronavirus: Sarah Reisman
Work hasn’t slowed for the head of a Caltech synthetic organic chemistry lab, but now she’s doing it from home with her two young children
Chemists amid coronavirus: Boon Mian Teo
The pandemic is hitting university budgets and costing researchers their jobs