Origins of life – Page 5
Primitive synthetic cells get a taste for each other
Predatory protocells offer insight into how such behaviours may have arisen at the dawn of life
Nucleic acid instability challenges RNA world hypothesis
Early life may have contained both RNA and DNA, rather than just RNA
3.7 billion year old microbe fossils discovered in Greenland
Discovery puts earliest evidence for life back 220 million years
What's the point of synthesising the human genome?
A plan to build our genome from scratch should be challenged on its scientific merit, not whether it is creating life, argues Philip Ball
How game theory could explain complex life
Philip Ball asks if the building blocks of life benefit from cooperation
Meteorite compounds hint at origins of life’s asymmetry
Excess of right handed sugar derivatives found on meteorites suggests homochirality may have come from space
Adenine and guanine synthesised using prebiotic pathway
Two of the nucleotide bases that make up genetic material have been formed in early Earth simulation experiments
Broken ribozyme comes to life
Low temperatures on early Earth may have helped RNA world organisms emerge
Building blocks of life made in space ice simulations
Complex sugars – including the ‘backbone’ of RNA – have been created in lab-made interstellar ice
Lifting molecular brake may have kept primeval cells running
Removing RNA restriction can steady biochemical function, with relevance for life’s emergence
Chemistry World podcast – December 2015
This month, we learn how to leave the calories out of fine chocolate, and discover the earth might be older than we thought
The origin of homochirality
Why do so many biological molecules exist in just one chirality – and how did it emerge? Rachel Brazil reflects on life’s strange asymmetry
Ancient graphite may push start of life back by 300 million years
Discovery of biologically forged carbon could rewrite textbooks on the earliest organisms
‘Chemical search engine’ backs alternative route to life
Spontaneous peptide formation conditions found using automated system
Study probes role of chemical corruption in origin of life
Researchers deliberately embrace defective chemistry to paint more realistic prebiotic picture
Peptide glue may have held first protocell components together
Association between RNA and primitive membranes 4 billion years ago thought to have kick-started life could have been mediated by peptides
Iron found in ancient rock is recycled from bacteria
Isotopic analysis suggests iron in banded rock formations can be traced back to ancient bacteria
Ancient RNA enzymes formed from freeze-thaw cycles
Temperature cycles help small pieces of RNA assemble into complex ribozymes
Chemicals formed on meteorites may have started life on Earth
Simple chemical turned into DNA bases and other precursors to life on simulated meteorite surface