Origins of life – Page 6
Reaction map suggests meteorite chemistry route to life
Scientists propose that key biomolecules appeared simultaneously from a hellish cyanide and sulfide mix
‘Early RNA’ reactions characterised
Enzyme-free linking of nucleotides suggests possible route for the synthesis of ancient RNA
Tiny volcanic cracks ‘incubated’ ancient DNA
Rock pores may provide answer to mystery of how longer and longer DNA strands arose on the ancient Earth
Asteroid bombardment of early Earth may have created building blocks of life
Simulated asteroid impacts turn simple chemical into DNA bases
DNA survives extreme heat of rocket re-entry
Discovery might spell trouble for extraterrestrial life hunters faced with terrestrial contamination problems
Earth ripe for life soon after formation
Isotope ratios show asteroids delivered water to Earth early on in its history
Photosynthesis-free route to oxygen gives early Earth atmosphere clues
Oxygen can be produced from carbon dioxide using UV radiation
Breakup reaction hints at handedness of nature
Dissociation of 3-bromocamphor provides clues on why nature favours one mirror image of a molecule over another
First interstellar sighting of a branched alkyl molecule
Discovery shows that stellar nurseries could hold amino acids too that might have been the spark for life on Earth
Computer simulations point to formamide as prebiotic intermediate in ‘Miller’ mixtures
Electric field may have provided more than just energy for primordial chemistry
Does life play dice?
Philip Ball wonders whether life evolved to exploit quantum phenomena, or if it’s just in our nature
Chemistry World podcast - August 2014
This month, how artificial comets may explain the origins of asymmetry in life. Plus, we speak to Martyn Poliakoff
Miller’s forgotten experiments point to primitive protein genesis
50-year-old test tubes hold clues to formation of peptide bonds – and life – on early Earth
Once a fusty way of keeping moths out of clothes, Brian Clegg explains how naphthalene may have helped bring life to Earth
Synthetic biology is bursting with life
Synthetic biology is shifting into high gear. To truly thrive, it needs chemists, says Mark Peplow
The ascent of molecules
Life’s molecular origins may not be preserved in fossils but Laura Howes finds out that chemists are filling the gaps
A (chemical) potential theory of life's origin
Philip Ball says we should look beyond the molecules that make us to find the spark of life
A chemical account of evolution
Bob Williams and Ros Rickaby examine the co-evolving chemistry of the environment and life
Life, but not as we know it
Biology has been pretty successful at creating life, but now chemistry wants a crack at it