All Academia articles – Page 8
Nobel laureate speaks of experiencing ‘male discrimination’ at annual Lindau meeting
Kurt Wüthrich describes climate of meeting of Nobel laureates as hostile
Chinese researcher in Japan arrested for leaking secrets to company in China
Senior scientist at one of Japan’s largest public research organisations allegedly disclosed data on fluorine compound to a Chinese chemical manufacturer
Research productivity is not a hostage to good safety in the lab
No decline discovered in the output of University of California chemistry labs following tighter safety rules after deadly accident in 2009
UK association to Horizon Europe still up in the air as politicking continues
Warnings that failure to associate soon will harm the country’s ability to get the most out of EU science programme
First publisher abandons impractical elemental analysis standard as journals eye next move
Historical ±0.4% accuracy standard was discovered to have little evidence backing in 2022
Exodus of scientists from Russia has passed 50,000 since 2018 as more pack their bags to go
Russia’s war on Ukraine and longstanding problems with underfunding and career progression are fuelling a brain drain
Report highlights job insecurity and mental health strain in academia
Baseline pay and conditions compare well to other sectors for permanent staff
Billionaire professor donates ‘transformative’ sum to protein science institute
$210 million endowment from entrepreneur and Moderna investor Tim Springer will support ongoing research
Academic freedom is at stake in Turkish elections, researchers warn
Future path of universities as institutes of free inquiry may rest on who wins
When will funders take action on PhD and postdoc conditions?
Campaigns in the UK, Ireland and Canada await announcements
China displaces US as top publisher of high-quality natural science studies
Contribution of researchers in China to Nature Index journals is ‘rapidly gaining ground’, and in 2021 they led in physical sciences and chemistry
Giving technicians the recognition they deserve
Schemes such as the Technician Commitment are starting to address problems with authorship and career development
Dedicated committee needed to tackle research reproducibility problems in the UK
UK House of Commons report suggests government needs to play a bigger role addressing issues affecting science
Lessons from Lieber
The prosecution of Charles Lieber has had a chilling effect on US researchers, leaving them uncertain about collaboration with overseas programmes
UK and India sign research agreement to work on AI, decarbonisation and sustainability
Governments agree to support collaboration on AI, sustainability and decarbonisation
Explainer: who is Charles Lieber and why does his case matter for US research?
Three years after his arrest the former head of Harvard’s chemistry department has been sentenced for concealing links to a Chinese university
Harvard’s former chemistry head Charles Lieber avoids prison over undisclosed links to China
Prosecutors requested 90 days in prison for concealing ties to Chinese university and programmes, but he ended up with time served
Sanctioning of 50 journals raises concerns over special issues in ‘mega-journals’
Paper mills that produce papers to order are thought to be targeting some of the biggest journals
The launch of a new field: precision microbiome editing
Nobel laureate Jennifer Doudna is helping lead a new $70 million project combining metagenomics and CRISPR to solve health, climate problems