Hui-Chen Stavros
Hui-Chen is a Quality Control Manager at LGC Charleston. She received her degree in Pharmacy from the Taipei Medical University, Taiwan in 1995 and her MS degree in Marine Biology from the National Taiwan Ocean University in 1997. Her PhD was earned from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University in 2005 with the research focusing on contamination in sea turtles. She worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a postdoctoral researcher from 2005 to 2008 to study trace elements contamination in marine mammals. She joined o2si smart solutions (o2si) in 2008 as a chemist. She has over 15 year’s experiences of various instruments: ICP, ICP-MS, AA, IC, Atomic Florescence, HPLC, UHPLC/HRMS, GC/FID, and GC/MS. When not working, she enjoys watching baseball with her family and traveling. She also speaks fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
- Article
PestiMix: tackling the pesticide problem
Screening pesticide compounds just got smarter and faster