All Diversity articles – Page 9
Twenty twenty vision
The new year brings changes to how we include and reflect our community
Male scientists more likely to blow their own trumpet when it comes to research
Analysis of 6 million papers finds male lead authors are up to 21% more likely to use language that casts findings as very significant compared with female ones
Women in Their Element: Selected Women’s Contributions To The Periodic System
The book’s 38 essays highlight women’s contributions to chemistry, ranging from well-known accounts to stories rarely told
Gender diversity quotas to be introduced for Royal Society of Chemistry events
A third of speakers and chairs at conferences funded by the society will have to be women in 2020
Results of the 2019 Pay and Reward Survey
Salaries have increased in line with inflation, and while the gender pay gap persists, it is at its lowest-ever level
Fixed retirement may not fix diversity issues
The reasoning behind forcing older academics to retire is problematic
Being trans in academia
The transgender community faces unique problems in the academic workplace
Am I really a scientist?
Whether in a lab, an office or on a stage, we are no strangers to wrestling with self-identity
Superior: The Return of Race Science
Angela Saini’s latest book is a powerful deconstruction of the research around race
Cutting-edge history
Rewriting the textbooks is our duty, because credit and recognition are much more than a reward for the individual. We use them to show what we value, and what matters to us – what lies behind us to be discovered is just as important as what lies ahead
Survey sheds light on bullying and discrimination at Max Planck Society
Thousands of researchers asked about working culture following public reports of bullying
Female scientists’ pages keep disappearing from Wikipedia – what’s going on?
A deletion battle over a black female chemist’s biography has put Wikipedia’s gender gap in the spotlight
Do men actually ask more questions at science conferences than women?
Even when women make up 70% of the audience, they still only ask about 40% of the questions, analysis reveals
Tom Welton named Royal Society of Chemistry’s next president
Head of chemistry at Imperial College and diversity champion will take the helm next year
Discrimination and exclusion still a fact of life for LGBT+ scientists in UK
Survey reveals worrying levels of marginalisation but 70% of respondents think workplaces are improving
Be the change – Creating a positive workplace is up to us all
Report: Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ physical scientists
Just six sexual harassment complaints were received by four of the US’s top funding bodies – over four years
Nasa, energy and agriculture departments and National Institutes of Health all received fewer than three complaints
Accessible science education
Nina Notman hears from some of the leading lights in the quest to make chemistry education accessible to all