All Science communication articles
Online archive of Humphry Davy’s notebooks opens to the public
Historic collection is the result of a five-year long citizen science project
Danish university pauses chemistry demonstrations following accident
‘Genie in a bottle’ demonstration failure hospitalised two, leading to a review of all experiments in the school’s chemistry shows
Global ‘census’ of chemistry on YouTube finds thriving ecosystem of indie producers
Chemistry channels are primarily made up of independents with no affiliation with an institution or organisation but a passion to talk science
The science education programme partnering with people in prison
Think Like a Scientist focuses on empowering students
Chemistry body to create multi-language chemistry dictionary to avoid confusion
Dictionary will cover terms such as ‘electrolyte’ and ‘non-metal’
The chroniclers of science
Communication officers dedicate their careers to telling impactful stories
How to get experience for science communication officer roles
Five tips to build your skills and see if it’s a career for you
What science communication can learn from a summer of sport
Alice Motion suggests ways scientists can take inspiration from how events like the Olympics engage with viewers
Physical chemistry textbook now free to download as a ‘gift’ to the community
Peter Atkins gives away Concepts in Physical Chemistry in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry
Legal threats, online trolls and low pay: the world of scientific sleuth Elisabeth Bik
Chemistry World catches up with one of the world’s leading scientific integrity experts
I ran a marathon in full PPE
Racing to become the official fastest marathon runner dressed as a scientist
Breaking the cycle of teach, test, forget
A focus on exams makes it harder for students to cultivate a deep understanding of their subject
Holes in the ‘holey graphyne’ story
The challenges – and importance – of questioning published results
Making science communication persuasive and engaging
Be understandable and relevant – and realistic
How we set up the Chemical Society of The Gambia
Overcoming red tape and technical hurdles to bring together the country’s chemists
What’s the most expensive piece of glassware you ever broke? Chemists share their stories
Question on social media strikes a chord as scientists share their smashing tales
Using the art of drag to communicate science with pride
How The Drag Experiment is reaching new audiences
Science shouldn’t be shy about controversies
Debates and disagreements are all part of the process